Blessed Hope Family is a 501-C3 Non-Profit serving foster and adoptive families in central Kansas and beyond. Your financial gift will directly support our outreach to central Kansas area foster and adoptive families as we help them stay stronger for longer.
Donate by mail
Donations may also be mailed directly to The Blessed Hope Family. If you would like to send a check or connect with us about your gift and where it will be used please reach out! Send us a note at theblessedhopefamily@gmail.com
Donate items to the BHF Trading Post
Are you a BHF supporter? Consider donating to the Trading Post. BHF maintains and operates the Trading Post, which is a curated collection of donations that foster and adoptive families can freely take from to support their foster kids and family. We have a number of needs at the Trading Post and if you feel inspired to support us with these items, contact us at tradingpostbhf@gmail.com for specific details. You may also contact us by email to coordinate a time for us to pick up your donations or better yet-drop them off in person and take a tour of the space!